Fifty reflections on Cuba’s revolution

While walking “El Prado” and “Parque Nacional” it turned out that the difference in connecting with the Cuban people was marginal, as compared to the first day of our march to Congrejeras. Of the thousands of people we met, only some twenty to thirty read and understood the message, albeit partially. Only three were seriously interested and received a thorough explanation. They got the point.

What we maybe should have realized from the start is that only intellectuals really grasp what we are saying. So we cannot expect any appreciable effect on the streets, whether we march along the empty road or in busy Havana. And that being the case, the spiritual effect of our endeavor must prevail. We will therefore resume the march.

It so happens that near Havana there are two villages called Santa Fé. Due to the taxi driver’s misunderstanding we ended up in Playa Santa Fé instead of the “real” Santa Fé, east of Havana. It does not matter. We’ll march on fifty days and will meditate one day for each year of the Cuban revolution. And our cosmic request is clear: For Cuba to open its eyes to the “Tercera Posición”. We have at least some reason to believe we have penetrated in the meantime to the highest echelons of the Cuban government. Our request to them is: Study our proposals carefully while we march. Any time you wish to speak to us we are ready.

Cuba should reflect on its own national anthem:
“En cadenas vivir, es vivir
En afrenta y oprobio sumido;
Del clarín escuchad el sonido;
¡A las armas, valientes, cored!”

We emphatically do not promote nor suggest any violent “regime change” of the Cuban government. But Cuba’s anthem does. So beware! However, there is an easy and reasonable way to avoid much useless bloodshed: Cuba, respect the natural order of abundance for all and adopt Solidarism, The Just Third Way!

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